

Revised June 24th, 2008

I.           Name of Organization

  1. Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association, (hereinafter referred to as WMBA).

I.    Membership

  1. A Voting Member is defined as one (1) designated representative from every Community Centre that is actively involved in the Association. Associate Members are registered coaches or parent(s) of a participating WMBA player and hold no votes.
  2. Each member of the Board of Directors will have one (1) vote with the exception of the Referee Assignor and the Executive Director. The President is only allowed to vote in the case of a tie.
  3. When a member of the Board of Directors is also a Community Centre Representative, he/she may have only one (1) vote. The Community Centre is allowed to have another person representing their club vote using the unused vote.
  4. A player or coach’s membership may cease when they are no longer registered with the
  5. Membership fees (if any) will be determined from time to time by members at the Annual General
  6. If a Community Centre is in arrears with respect to fees, all teams from that Club shall be suspended immediately until the fees are paid.
  7. The Board of Directors may expel any member for any reason deemed reasonable by the Board of Directors, upon a two third majority vote, at a special meeting.
  8. The rights and obligations of the members shall be to adhere to the by-laws as presented in this

II.    Executive Committee, Board of Directors and their Election

  1. The elected Executive Committee will consist of the President, Vice President-Operations, Vice President-Administration, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director (ex-officio) and Past-President. The elected Board of Directors will consist of the Executive Committee and up to 5 Directors, as well as the Referee Assignor. The 5 Directors will be assigned duties annually.
  2. Each Annual General Meeting (AGM) will elect the Executive Committee Members to alternating two-year terms of office. The elections for President, Vice President - Operations and Secretary will occur in even numbered years and the elections for Vice President - Administration and Treasurer will occur in odd numbered years. All other Board of Director members elected at the AGM will hold a one-year term of
  3. The Executive Committee will have full responsibility for the management of the affairs of the Association as per WMBA Bylaws / Policies and Procedures and the direction of the Board Members.
  4. The President will conduct all meetings of the Association and be accountable for the general business and responsibilities of WMBA.
  5. The Vice President - Administration will conduct meetings in the absence of the President and assist the President with the general business of the Association, ensuring the day-today operations are dealt with
  6. The Vice President - Operations will assist the President with duties as requested and be responsible for ensuring the game day operations are taken care of, including all game scheduling, game facility management and overseeing of the Gym The Executive Director will also share these duties.
  7. The Secretary will keep accurate minutes and records of all meetings of the The Secretary will distribute minutes to all members two weeks prior to the next meeting.
  8. The Treasurer will be responsible for all financial business of the Association, including keeping up to date records of all financial transactions.
  9. The Board of Directors will be responsible for setting the Association’s Policies and
  10. The Past-President will act as a resource for the current President and offer insight and direction on league


  1. The three Directors will be assigned duties annually based on the needs of the Association and the skills and abilities each Director brings to the position.
  2. The Coordinators will be responsible for the following duties associated with their positions:
    • Convenor Coordinators (2) will act as liaisons between the Club and Board and be responsible for assisting, overseeing and supporting the existing Club Convenors with their portfolios including (but not limited to) gym accessibility, coach recruitment, data entry and transfer procedures. The Convenor Coordinators will be present at all convenor meetings and sit on the Fair Competition Committee.
    • Coordinator of Fair Play/Standards will be responsible for developing and maintaining fair play policies for the The Coordinator of Fair Play/Standards will chair the Fair Competition Committee (FCC) and sit on the league’s disciplinary committee.
    • Coordinator of Coaching will be responsible for developing excellence in WMBA coaching through promotion and development of the NCCP training and the coaching mentorship The Coordinator of Coaching will chair the annual coaches meeting and sit on the league’s disciplinary committee.
    • Coordinator of Elite Programs will be responsible for assisting the Board in developing programs to meet the needs of more competitive or skilled players. The Coordinator of Elite Programs will be in attendance Rising Stars meetings.
  3. The Head Referee Assignor will be responsible for assigning eligible referees for all league games and playoffs according to the league schedule. He/she will record and submit all records of the game assignments to the League Office for payment and will also be the liaison with all league referees to the Association. This is an appointed position by the Board of Directors. The position will receive a financial honorarium, as determined by the Board, for the services This position will report directly to the Executive Committee and will be an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Board of Directors.
  4. The Executive Director will be responsible for the day-to-day activities of the Association including office communications, assisting the Board of Directors with their portfolios and other responsibilities as determined by the This position will report directly to the Executive Committee and will be an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Board of Directors and Disciplinary / Rules Committee.
  5. Should any member of the Executive Committee resign, the Board of Directors may appoint a replacement from the membership who would hold office until the next AGM.
  6. The removal of an elected member will be by three-quarter majority vote of those members present at a duly called special meeting of the Association.
  7. At the call of the President, a Nominating Committee chaired by a non-Executive Board Member will be formed to maintain existing candidates, or pursue new ones, for the Board of This Committee will be formed in the months prior to the AGM.

III.    Meetings of the Association

  1. Voting at all meetings of the Association will be in person by show of hands or A simple majority (fifty percent plus one) will determine all votes.
  2. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors will occur, with a “quorum” requiring fifty-percent plus one. All members of the Board of Directors may vote on League issues. A meeting may be cancelled for the following month with the Board’s permission.
  3. Notice of the meeting will be one week in advance if communicated in writing or 3 days in advance if communicated by telephone. Only present members of the Board of Directors (as defined in section III-1) may vote at these Board meetings. Half the members plus one will represent a All decisions of the Board of Directors must be ratified at the next meeting of League Convenors.
  4. Special Meetings of the Association may be called by the President from time to time as deemed necessary or upon presentation to the President of a petition signed by majority of all voting members requesting a special meeting. Only defined members of the Association may vote. A quorum will represent fifty percent plus one.
  5. An AGM will be held before the end of June each year to present the membership with the following:
  • President’s report
  • Financial statement for the previous year ending March 31st together with the accountant’s report thereon
  • Board of Director Reports
  • Election of Elected Board & Executive Members


  1. A quorum at the AGM will be fifty percent of voting members plus one, including the Board of Directors. The Secretary will determine from registration and membership lists the eligibility of each member present at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. A Nominating Committee will be formed in the months leading to the Annual General Meeting as indicated in Section II-17.

IV.    Financial

  1. The fiscal year shall be from April 1st to March 31st.
  2. The signing officers of the Association shall be that of the Treasurer, the President and the WMBA Executive Two of three signatures are required for all financial transactions.
  3. There shall be no financial remuneration to any member for any volunteer
  4. Any voting member, upon reasonable notice, may inspect the financial records of the
  5. The financial record will be reviewed annually by a duly qualified Copies of the financial statements will be provided to the Association members at the AGM.
  6. For the purpose of carrying out it’s objectives, the Association may borrow, raise or secure payment in any manner it sees This power shall be executed only under the authorization of the Elected Board.
  7. All net proceeds and other assets will be used solely to promote the objectives of Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association.

V.    Amending the Bylaws

  1. Bylaws may only be added, amended or rescinded at the AGM, typically held in June of each year. A notice of change must go out in writing to the voting membership 30 days prior to the

VI.    Custody and Use of the Seal of the Organization

  1. The Corporate Seal and Corporate Logo will remain at the official office of the
  2. The President, Secretary or Treasurer will have the authority to use the Corporate

The Corporate Logo may also be used by the Executive Director and Program Coordinator to promote events and functions of the Association

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